Electronic waste - a toxic waste stream in which valuable finite resources are lost

Fifty million tons of e-waste are generated every year, equivalent to the weight of almost 4,500 Eiffel Towers. Much of it is incinerated or sent to landfill, leading to pollution, health hazards and the loss of valuable finite resources.
Reusability is the solution
Most modern electronic devices are essentially nothing more than computers. In principle, the technology could be reused for other tasks once the devices have reached the end of their life. Unfortunately, for reasons of cost and space, the devices are often built in such a way that reusing the technology is only possible at great expense.
In order to make electronic devices truly reusable, numerous things must be taken into account during the design phase:
- Using modular electronic components that are universal and can be reused
- Having a software framework that allows to reprogram the device
- Building enclosures that can be modified, repaired and extended
- Preferring materials that are 100% recyclable

Our Mission
Martian Microsystems has set itself the task of creating a rock-solid toolkit for the construction of sustainable smart devices that consists exclusively of modular components. This applies to the electronic modules, the software and the enclosure. Our electronic devices are reusable, repairable and recyclable*. Because the best way to reduce electronic waste is not to produce it in the first place.
* The electronic components can only be recycled to a limited extent, and unfortunately this is a problem that only the component manufacturers can solve. The housing parts, however, can be completely melted down and processed into new parts.

From Earth to Mars
If humanity is to fly to Mars one day and survive there, people there will have to use all resources as sparingly and sustainably as possible. This is because the transportation of materials from Earth to Mars will be extremely expensive and very limited in scope.
It is essential that electronic devices on Mars are as universal and reusable as possible. Humanity on Mars simply cannot afford to behave in the same way as on Earth, where devices that are actually in working order are simply thrown away along with all their valuable raw materials.
We believe that the concept of easy-to-build modular smart devices is also suitable for use on Mars, which is why we have named ourselves Martian Microsystems.